Reducing Sepsis Harm and Death: Introduction to the Sepsis Special Innovation Project
The participant will be able to:
- Define sepsis and the symptoms and conditions in which sepsis should be suspected.
- Describe why suspected sepsis is an emergency event.
- Summarize the goals of the Early Recognition of Sepsis Special Innovation Project.
Sepsis Screening Tool: Early and Reliable Identification
The participant will be able to:
- Identify the risk factors of sepsis
- Analyze the sepsis screening tool components
- Evaluate EMS needs for a sepsis screening tool in their local service protocols
Sepsis Alert! Support Prompt Escalation and Timely Intervention for At-risk patients
The participant will:
- Consider a positive result on the sepsis screen a trigger to call a sepsis alert and take appropriate action.
- Understand the roles and expectations for all members of the healthcare team.
- Standardize communication by using Situation, Background, Assessment and Treatment (SBAT) and hand-off tools.
Utilizing Quality Improvement Techniques for EMS
The participant will be able to:
- Define Quality Assurance Process Improvement (QAPI)
- Describe how to identify gaps in care and opportunities for improvement
- Give an example of a Plan Do Study Act (PDSA)